Loops examples in C# Language Here are some Loops examples in C# Language Working with For Loops Counting Up: using System;class Program{static void Main(){for (int i = 1; i<=5; i++){Console.WriteLine(i);}}} • The ' for ' loop initializes a loop variable (' i ') to 1 .• The loop continues as long as the condition (' i <= 5 ') is true .• After each iteration , the loop increments ' i ' by 1 (' i++ ') .• Inside the loop , it prints the value of ' i ' . Counting Down: using System;class Program{static void Main(){for(int i = 5; i >= 1; i--){Console.WriteLine(i);}}} • Similar to the first example , this ' for ' loop initializes ' i ' to 5 .• The loop continues as long as the condition (' i >= 1 ') is true .• After each iteration , the loop decrements ' i ' by 1 (' i-- ') .• Inside the loop , it prints the value of ' i ' . Custom Iterations: using System;class Program{static void Main(){for (int i = 3; i <= 15; i += 3){Console.WriteLine(i);}}} • This ' for ' loop initializes ' i ' to 3 .• It continues as long as the condition (' i <= 15 ') is true .• After each iteration , it increments ' i ' by 3 (' i += 3 ') .• Inside the loop , it prints the value of ' i ' , which results in multiples of 3 frmo 3 to 15 . Working with Do While Loops Sum of Squares: using System;class Program{static void Main(){int n = 4;int sumOfSquares = 0;int i = 1;while (i <= n){sumOfSquares += i * i;i++;}Console.WriteLine($" Sum of squares from 1 to {n} : {sumOfSquares} ");}} • This program uses a ' while ' loop to calculates the sum of squares from 1 to 4 .• It initializes variables ' n ' , ' sumOfSquares ' , and ' i ' .• The loop continues as long as the condition (' i <= n ') is true .• Inside the loop , it adds the square of ' i ' to ' sumOfSquares ' and increments ' i ' .• After the loop , it prints the sum of squares . Factorial Calculation: using System;class Program{static void Main(){int n = 5;int factorial = 1;int i = 1;while (i <= n){factorial *= i;i++;}Console.WriteLine($" Factorial of {n} : {factorial} ");}} • This program uses a ' while ' loop to calculate the factorial of 5 .• It initializes variables ' n ' , ' factorial ' , and ' i ' .• The loop continues as long as the condition (' i <= n ') is true .• Inside the loop , it multiplies ' factorial ' by ' i ' and increments ' i ' .• After the loop , it prints the factorial . Printing a Triangle: using System;class Program{static void Main(){int rows = 4;int i = 1;while (i <= rows){int j = 1;while (j <= i){Console.Write("* ");j++;}Console.WriteLine();i++;}}} • This Program uses a nested ' while ' loop to print a triangle pattern .• It initializes variables ' rows ' and ' i ' .• The outer loop continues as long as the condition (' i <= rows ') is true .• The inner loop prints asterisks based on the current value of ' i ' .• After the inner loop , a newline is added to create a triangle pattern . Working with Do While Loops Sum of Positive Numbers: using System;class Program{static void Main(){int sum = 0;int userInput;do{Console.Write("Enter a positive number (enter 0 to finish) : ");userInput = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());if (userInput > 0){sum += userInput;}} while (userInput != 0);Console.WriteLine($" Sum of positive numbers : {sum} ");}} • This program uses a ' do-while ' loop to calculate the sum of positive numbers entered by the user .• Is continues as long as the condition (' userInput != 0 ') is true .• Inside the loop , it prompts the user to enter a positive number and adds it to the ' sum ' if it's positive . Checking Password: using System;class Program{static void Main(){string password;do{Console.Write("Enter the password: ");password = Console.ReadLine();} while (password != "secret");Console.WriteLine("Access granted!");}} • This program uses a ' do-while ' loop to prompts the user for a password until the correct one ("secret") is provided .• It continues as long as the condition (' password != "secret" ') is true .• Inside the loop , it prompts the user to enter the password using ' Console.ReadLie ' . Fibonacci Series: using System;class Program{static void Main(){Console.Write("Enter the limit for Fibonacci series: ");int limit = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());int first = 0;int second = 1;do{Console.Write($" {first} ");int temp = first + second;first = second;second = temp;} while (first <= limit);}} • This program uses a ' do-while ' loop to generate the Fibonacci series up to a specified limit .• It prompts the user to enter the limit using ' Console.ReadLine ' and ' Convert.ToInt32 ' .• The loop continues as long as the condition (' first <= limit ') is true .• Inside the loop , it prints the current value of ' first ' and updates the Fibonacci sequence .